By allowing your lawn to host more than one species of Plant killers club shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt, encouraging nature to express itself, and helping to set the new standard. Why kill the weeds? Why the ongoing battle for the perfect lawn? Clover, is a nitrogen fixer (meaning it provides nitrogen for grass and other plants. Nitrogen, N for short, is the main ingredient in lawn fertilizer! Keeps it growing, keeps it green.) Clover is also a source of nectar and pollen for bees! Violets are native to much of North America, yet considered a turf weed. Despite their magical purple beards they're considered weeds! Even dandelions serve a purpose, they feed bees in spring and provide us with edible leaves and roots. Actually all three of these “weeds” are edible.

Buy this shirt: Plant killers club shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt