If you don’t see Dunkin’ Donuts in my hand just turn around shirt

The smartest decision you can make today is If you don’t see Dunkin’ Donuts in my hand just turn around shirt not drive around barricades or road closed signs. They are in place to keep you safe! Driving around barricades is one of the leading causes of fatalities after storms. Do your part and turn around. Men will buy their daughter’s pepper spray, pose with guns in pictures with their boyfriends, tell them not to go jogging at night, tell them not to drink at parties, and then turn around and don’t believe other women when they accuse a man of assault. When you doubt God’s love and faithfulness, remember the cross. When you doubt your forgiveness and adoption as sons and daughters, look to the cross.
If You Don’t See Dunkin’ Donuts In My Hand Just Turn Around V-neck T-shirt