Moments like theOfficial I can’t adult today I’m at the park shirt us to continue fighting for our cause. Watch here Yassin, one of the boys who, as a minor, enjoyed the safety. And healing environment of our Orion shelter now as an adult reuniting with his family in Germany. I look forward to your sarcastic comments and always find some way to cause trouble. People talk up the responsibility aspect of adulthood a lot but honestly, the most adult shit possible is making incredibly irresponsible purchases cause you just can. I have the courage to top the god of all tops. Years of training in the mountains. And subsiding of the dew of the Tillamook trees has prepared me for this fated moment. I’d love to give you documents to prove my identity. If I fucking had any that is Y’all asking for tax documents that I don’t fucking fill out yet. Cause I’ve only been an adult for about 3 months now.

Buy this shirt: Official I can’t adult today I’m at the park shirt