The slide outside with the Skull hated by many loved by plenty heart on her sleeve five finger death punch shirt also she loved the swings. But needed help with that lol no one ever taught her she just figured it out watching the kids. Spare me a piece of bread. Spare me your mercy. I am a child so young, so thin, and so ragged. Why are you staring at me? With my eyes, I cannot see but I know that you are all staring at me. Now I think everyone and their mothers understand the statement You can’t compare where you don’t compete. He is the father she is the mother, and both are essential for life. Her role is no less vital than his. For them to kill her off from an opioid overdose to me was a slap in the face to chronic pain patients that have true issues to take meds. This is not your war. The holiest and immaculate mother of God was not spared the pain of experiencing the death of a child.