Wanted dead and alive schrodingers cat shirt

His favorite song was Wanted. We would sing it to the Wanted dead and alive schrodingers cat shirt of our lungs. One day I was just listening to him sing and when he got to the lyrics of on a steel horse I ride, he was singing on a dead horse I ride. It reminds me of driving on a bus to Boston for our 10th-grade class trip only two weeks after one of our classmates had tragically passed away. I remember thinking how great this song was and how sad that our friend was not there to hear it. I’ve been reading the memories of others here and I can’t help but think how Bon Jovi has got me through crap times in life. Sometimes life just gets you down and I find I find my Bon Jovi tracks on my iPod and plug it into a speaker and start blasting some tunes.
Wanted Dead And Alive Schrodingers Cat Hoodie